Terms & Policies
All memberships are recurring and non refundable once payment has been collected.
To cancel a membership talk to any coach or text/call 360.815.4051. Cancellations require a 30 day notice.
Memberships can be placed on hold if an injury prevents training OR a member is traveling for 4+ weeks. Holds cannot be placed on Quarterly Memberships.
All members must be 18 + years to use open gym or attend our regular coached sessions.
Memberships are non transferable.
Personal insurance for loss, injury or damage that you might incur from the use of the gym, equipment or climbing walls, is to be purchased by you, the member, individually. Any illness or injury is your responsibility.
When using open gym, all rules must be followed (as posted). If this is neglected open gym privileges will be revoked.
Clean shoes in the gym are a must! Members are welcome to keep an extra pair at the gym, in a cubby.
Any items left over 1 week (with the exception of training shoes) will be donated
Any accidents, or issues within the gym should contact 360.815.4051.
Terrain Gym, LLC and its staff are not liable for any goods taken from the cubbies or bathrooms.
Guests of members are permitted if there is a coach on site. A $30 pass must be purchased and waiver signed prior to training.